Showing posts with label hilarious. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hilarious. Show all posts

Monday, February 23, 2015

Critical Reviews of Washer/Dryer

Rachna Khatau, Ewan Chung, Corey Wright, Karen Huie and Nancy Stone in
Washer Dryer by Nandita Shenoy at East West Players
Photo by Michael Lamont

In full transparency, I like to post all the review of my show; the good, the bad, and the ugly! Washer/Dryer has gotten a good mix, things that I agree and don't agree with on both sides. But what has been noted through all of them so far, is that the show is filled with laughs, which means you're going to have a good time. Check out my favorite highlights below.


"Under director Peter J. Kuo's competent direction, the proceedings are diverting in a Norman Lear way...a sincere, well intended contrivance that gets its laughs like clockwork.... Khatau’s fresh, understated heroine and Chung’s likable, short-fused hero are nicely matched -- she is hilarious at her climactic meltdown, and he valiantly strives to keep the various tropes from stereotype. Huie and Stone expertly attack their functionary roles, and Wright, who also voices Sonya’s doorman, performs his duties with outsized flair"

"Big Load of Talent Tossed Into WASHER/DRYER Spins Outa Clean, Hot, Fresh, Finished Pice of Entertainment...Director Peter J. Kuo whips this talented cast of five through a fast, even paced ninety-minutes of social issues served up on a tasty elixir of laughter."

"...a nearly unqualified rave...Shenoy’s ingenious—and consistently hilarious—script... Peter J. Kuo’s inspired direction...a cast that ought to be transferred lock, stock, and wok to the small screen if and when Washer/Dryer is awarded the weekly 30-minute slot it so richly deserves."

"Directed by Peter Kuo with a sitcom sensibility, the piece feels like a pilot of the likes of Dharma & Greg...for those who loved Dharma & Greg, this is quite a compliment."

"[A] magnificent new comedy – a triumphant coming together of acting, directing, writing and timing...the funniest play I’ve seen in a year as director Peter J Kuo superbly handles the farce and family dynamics."
Review - - Washer/Dryer (February 22, 2015)

"Reasonably well-acted and seasoned with some light hijinks..."
Review - LA Weekly - Washer/Dryer (February 23, 2015)

See if you agree! Washer/Dryer runs at East West Players until March 15, 2015! Get your tickets at